CCM Integrated Neckprotect Shirt Junior czarny

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CCM Integrated Neckprotect Shirt Junior czarny
CCM Integrated Neckprotect Shirt Junior czarny (2)
324.46 PLN
346.10 PLN *
- 6 %
w??cznie z podatkiem plus Wysy?ka
Dodatkowy rabat na t? pozycj?:
Warto?? zamówieniaRabat
2597.40 PLN2 %
4329.00 PLN4 %

Immerse yourself in the world of ice hockey with the CCM Integrated Neckprotect Shirt Junior czarny. This high quality underwear is designed to provide young athletes with ultimate protection and comfort during play.

The top is made of 90% polyester and 10% elastane, which not only ensures an optimal fit, but also high durability and freedom of movement. The use of DuPontT PolyamideR fibers reinforces protection and ensures a sturdy structure that can withstand the rigors of play.

The SantizedR technology integrated into this top enables effective moisture management and has an odor-inhibiting effect. These features ensure a comfortable fit, even in the most heated gaming situations. Moisture is actively removed from the skin and unpleasant odors have no chance to develop.

A special highlight of this top is the licensed neck protection, which meets the strict requirements of playing operations in all leagues.

The top's flatlock seams help minimize friction points, further increasing comfort. The thoughtful construction of this CCM top combines protection, functionality and comfort to meet the needs of young ice hockey players.

90% polyester and 10% Elasthan
BNQ and CE Certified
Cut Resistant Neck

S?owa kluczowe:
Rabat 1
600 €2%
1000 €4%
Najwy?ej oceniany
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Najwy?sza wydajno??
  • zapisane towary gotowe do wysy?ki w ci?gu 36 godzin
  • du?e zapasy magazynowe
  • brak minimalnej warto?ci zamówienia
  • brak dodatkowych op?at za wysy?k? lasek

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* Przekre?lone ceny to zalecane ceny detaliczne producenta lub europejskiego sprzedawcy w momencie dodania produktu do naszego sklepu lub nowa cena docelowa wed?ug starych standardów przed pierwszym 30.4.2023 r. Cena produktu i koszty wysy?ki s? tylko cenami docelowymi. W przypadku walut obcych (innych ni? euro) mog? zosta? doliczone op?aty danego operatora p?atno?ci i przeliczniki, jak równie? inne koszty. Zale?y to od umowy z dostawc? p?atno?ci.
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