Warrior Alpha One Helmcombo Bambini schwarz inkl. Gitter

Warrior Alpha One Helmcombo Bambini schwarz inkl. Gitter (2)
470.64 PLN
600.17 PLN *
- 22 %
w??cznie z podatkiem plus Wysy?ka
Dodatkowy rabat na t? pozycj?:
Warto?? zamówieniaRabat
2590.67 PLN2 %
4317.79 PLN4 %
gotowy do wysy?ki
z w 36 hours

The Warrior Alpha One Youth helmet combo provides premium protection, a superior fit, good comfort, and a sleek style, offering young players the look they want and the features they need every time they step on the ice.

The Alpha One Youth Helmet with cage is specifically designed to fit the young player, but Warrior enhances this fit with a dual adjustment system. At the back of the helmet, Warrior uses a dial mechanism, allowing you to easily adjust the size of the helmet to fit your young player securely. This customized fit allows for more comfort while enhancing the protective features built into the Alpha One construction.

These features include the True One Youth shell. This one-piece, high density plastic shell provides a strong, lightweight barrier of protection, designed specifically for the smaller head size of a youth player. Inside the helmet, Warrior includes an EPP liner for added comfort and enhanced protection.

For facial coverage, the Alpha One Youth helmet combo features Warrior's Alpha One Youth black cage. This youth-specific design provides good protection and visibility. And to help the cage fit better, Warrior includes a cage adjustment system that provides 10-mm of fit range for some more personalization, ensuring the cage fits properly and comfortably against the chin.

Fit of the Alpha One Helmet Combo Youth:

  • sleek style
  • Dual fit adjustment for a personalized fit
  • Cage adjustment for a proper and safe fit

Shell of the youth combo Alpha One:

  • 1-piece construction
  • solid plastic

Liner of youth Combo Alpha One:

  • EPP Liner
    *Lightweight, moisture-repelling foam that handles high-energy impacts

Weight of Youth Alpha One Helmetcombo with cage:

  • approx. 700 Grams

S?owa kluczowe: Warrior, Alpha One, helmet, combo, helmet combo, youth, hockey, icehockey
Rabat 1
600 €2%
1000 €4%
Najwy?ej oceniany
Shop Rating - hockeyoffice.com
Najwy?sza wydajno??
  • zapisane towary gotowe do wysy?ki w ci?gu 36 godzin
  • du?e zapasy magazynowe
  • brak minimalnej warto?ci zamówienia
  • brak dodatkowych op?at za wysy?k? lasek

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