Warrior Novium2 SP kij do hokeja Senior 75 Flex 63"

Warrior Novium2 SP kij do hokeja Senior 75 Flex 63"
629.25 PLN
754.93 PLN *
- 17 %
w??cznie z podatkiem plus Wysy?ka
Dodatkowy rabat na t? pozycj?:
Warto?? zamówieniaRabat
2517.83 PLN2 %
4196.39 PLN4 %

The Warrior Novium2 SP Composite Stick Senior 75 Flex 63 is the ideal stick for experienced players seeking top-notch performance and precision. Equipped with modern materials and advanced technology, this stick offers exceptional shot power and improved control, allowing you to maximize your game on the ice.

[big]Key Features[/b]

  • 75 Flex
    The 75 flex provides an ideal balance between power and control, especially for quick wrist shots and accurate releases.
  • 63-inch Length
    The 63-inch length offers greater reach and puck control, making it ideal for players who prefer a longer stick.
  • Minimus Carbon 6 Material
    Minimus Carbon 6 ensures a stable and lightweight construction, guaranteeing durability and performance.
  • FuelCore Ultra Blade
    The FuelCore Ultra blade enhances pop, resulting in higher shot accuracy and power.
  • RLC 155 Construction
    The RLC 155 construction provides extra stability and strength, ensuring the stick remains reliable in intense game situations.
  • Ergonomic Shaft Geometry
    The ergonomic shaft offers a comfortable grip, enhancing control and comfort during play.

[big]Material Composition[/b]

  • Shaft Material: Minimus Carbon 6 for high stability and low weight
  • Blade Material: FuelCore Ultra for improved shot accuracy and durability
  • Resin System: RLC 155 for added strength and longevity

[big]Benefits at a Glance[/b]

  • Lightweight and Durable: The stick combines lightweight construction with high stability, enabling quick movements and powerful shots.
  • Optimized Puck Control: The FuelCore Ultra blade ensures precise control and increased shot accuracy.
  • Durability: Thanks to the RLC 155 construction, the stick remains strong and durable even under extreme conditions.
  • Ergonomic Grip: The ergonomic shaft allows for a comfortable grip, enhancing control during play.
  • Quick Loading Times: Advanced technology enables quick loading for powerful and accurate shots.

Manufacturer (GPSR)
Warrior Sports Europe
Nordstr. 2
DE 87616 Marktoberdorf
Responsible in the EU
Warrior Sports Inc.
Link below for CE

Nordstr. 2
DE 87616 Marktoberdorf
S?owa kluczowe:
Rabat 1
600 €2%
1000 €4%
Najwy?ej oceniany
Shop Rating - hockeyoffice.com
Najwy?sza wydajno??
  • zapisane towary gotowe do wysy?ki w ci?gu 36 godzin
  • du?e zapasy magazynowe
  • brak minimalnej warto?ci zamówienia
  • brak dodatkowych op?at za wysy?k? lasek

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