Warrior V3 E Plus Kij bramkarski Intermediate bia³o-czarny

Warrior V3 E Plus Kij bramkarski Intermediate bia³o-czarny
Warrior V3 E Plus Kij bramkarski Intermediate bia³o-czarny (2) Warrior V3 E Plus Kij bramkarski Intermediate bia³o-czarny (3)
859.63 PLN
988.39 PLN *
- 13 %
w??cznie z podatkiem plus Wysy?ka
Dodatkowy rabat na t? pozycj?:
Warto?? zamówieniaRabat
2579.54 PLN2 %
4299.23 PLN4 %

Designed for high performance, the Warrior Ritual V3 E+ Intermediate goalie stick features an advanced Minimus Carbon construction that ensures a perfect balance between lightweight agility and rugged durability. Equipped with TwinSpar paddle reinforcements, this stick guarantees improved stability and durability, allowing goalkeepers to dominate the goal with confidence.

Combining two crucial designs, the Warrior Ritual V3 E+ features VibexLite technology, which aims to minimize vibrations commonly found in composite sticks and provides unparalleled levels of comfort and precision during intense gameplay. In addition, the innovative HiFused construction inside the stick provides a customized flex profile designed specifically for the modern goalkeeper. This mid-flex profile allows for effortless loading, maximizes shooting power and enables goalies to clear the puck effortlessly or make seamless passes across the ice.

Warrior continues its tradition of excellence by incorporating its signature Slide Grip technology throughout the stick. A sleek, glossy finish paired with vertically ribbed texture along the shaft provides quick, seamless movement. Slide Grip technology on the handle, with strategically placed shiny grip and raised texture, provides optimal control where it matters most. Additionally, the new Impact Fiber layer across the entire shaft provides increased durability, ensuring longevity and reliability in the middle of the game.

Advanced Minimus Carbon construction for optimal balance between lightness and durability

TwinSpar paddle reinforcements for improved stability and durability

VibexLite technology to minimize vibrations for comfort and precision

Innovative HiFused construction for customized flex profile

Characteristic Slide Grip technology for fast and seamless movements

Impact Fiber layer for increased durability and reliability

S?owa kluczowe:
Rabat 1
600 €2%
1000 €4%
Najwy?ej oceniany
Shop Rating - hockeyoffice.com
Najwy?sza wydajno??
  • zapisane towary gotowe do wysy?ki w ci?gu 36 godzin
  • du?e zapasy magazynowe
  • brak minimalnej warto?ci zamówienia
  • brak dodatkowych op?at za wysy?k? lasek

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