Winnwell Metalowe bramki do hokeja HD Proform 36" 91x60x30cm

Winnwell Metalowe bramki do hokeja HD Proform 36" 91x60x30cm
319.07 PLN
383.10 PLN *
- 17 %
w??cznie z podatkiem plus Wysy?ka
Dodatkowy rabat na t? pozycj?:
Warto?? zamówieniaRabat
2554.28 PLN2 %
4257.13 PLN4 %
gotowy do wysy?ki z w 36 hours

The Winnwell Ice hockey goal HD Proform 36" 91x60x30cm is the perfect choice for anyone looking for a robust and portable goal for recreational games, street field hockey or training purposes.

With a width of 36 inches (approx. 91 cm), it offers a compact size that is suitable for both children and adults.

Ideal for use in the garden, on the street or in a training environment, the goal can be set up and taken down quickly for maximum flexibility.

Made from high-strength steel with a diameter of 1.5 inches (3.81 cm), the HD Proform offers exceptional stability and durability.

The "HD" designation stands for "Heavy Duty" - the goal has been specially developed to withstand even the most intensive loads that can occur during field hockey training sessions or exciting recreational games. It is even suitable for use in ice hockey training.

The goal is equipped with a hard-wearing 25,000 D net that is particularly resistant to repeated puck impacts. The simple click system allows the tubes to be connected quickly and securely, making assembly quick and easy.

Product details:

Dimensions: 91 x 60 x 30 cm (36" x 24" x 12")
Material: Robust steel frame with powder coating
Net thickness: 25,000 D - highly durable and long-lasting
Diameter of the tubes: 1.5 inches (3.81 cm)
Connection system: Simple click system for quick assembly
Area of use: Ideal for recreational games, street field hockey and ice hockey training

Manufacturer (GPSR)
Winnwell s.r.o.
c/o Hejduk Sport s.r.o.
U Elektrárny 306
CZ 53002 Ceperka
Responsible in the EU
Winnwell s.r.o.
c/o Hejduk Sport s.r.o.

U Elektrárny 306
CZ 53002 Ceperka
S?owa kluczowe:
Rabat 1
600 €2%
1000 €4%
Najwy?ej oceniany
Shop Rating -
Najwy?sza wydajno??
  • zapisane towary gotowe do wysy?ki w ci?gu 36 godzin
  • du?e zapasy magazynowe
  • brak minimalnej warto?ci zamówienia
  • brak dodatkowych op?at za wysy?k? lasek

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